Senior Advisor

Paul is an accomplished figure in the world of responsible investment. In a career that spanning over two decades, he has held an array of positions within financial services. He is currently Head of Stewardship & Sustainable Investment Strategy at investment consultancy Redington. He was Head of Corporate Governance – Stewardship at Aberdeen Asset Management between 2015 and 2018. He has worked with a number of influential industry bodies such as PRI, IIGCC and the Investor Forum, leading projects in areas such as climate change accounting, as well as acting as an adviser on engagement and stewardship practices for global companies, regulators and legislators. Previously he was Head of Investment Affairs at the NAPF as well as spending 13 years at Hermes, most latterly as a Director of public policy and best practice at Hermes Equity Ownership Services, between 2010 and 2013.


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