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Watch Webinar - Investors: Building Efficient ESG Reporting Strategies

Watch Webinar - Investors: Building Efficient ESG Reporting Strategies

Can investor ESG reporting be implemented in a way that the benefits significantly outweigh the costs? Watch our webinar to hear what our expert panel has to say.

Impactive Team
February 13, 2024

Asset managers and asset owners in the UK are grappling with a complex landscape of ESG reporting requirements, both mandatory and voluntary. From the Stewardship Code to TCFD, SDR, and SFDR, the array of frameworks, timelines, and sometimes conflicting demands create significant resource pressures.

Join our on-demand webinar where four experts in responsible investment and stewardship share their insights and strategies for addressing these challenges within their organisations.

Moderated by Dr. Rory Sullivan, CEO of Chronos Sustainability, the panel features:

  • Caroline Escott, Senior Investment Manager and Head of Stewardship at Railpen
  • Peter Mennie, Chief Sustainable Investment Officer for Manulife Investment Management, public markets
  • Mais Callan, Co-founder of Impactive Tech

Topics include navigating multiple reporting frameworks, standardising and collating disparate data sets, extracting business value from the reporting process, the crucial role of culture, and more.

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